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Sadly, due to the untimely passing of  Mary Mulvihill, the founder of Ingenious Ireland, we can no longer offer consultancy services.

You can read about the life and achievements of Mary in Wikipedia and in the Irish Times.


An audio guide for your heritage place

An audio guide is a very cost-effective and convenient way to enhance your visitors experience, providing an expert and lively tour that is easy to maintain.

We have made audio guides for major heritage attractions and for small local history trails, and have successfully won grants from national heritage agencies.  Contact us to find out more about the benefits and advantages of an audio guide for your site.

Communications coaching — telling your story

Interview coaching

Are you preparing for an upcoming talk, or media interview?  Do you want publicity for your work, your business or an event?  We can help you to tell your story,  with communications coaching, training  and advice.

We offer media training workshops, and one-to-one coaching, drawing on over 20 years experience telling complex stories to the general public through a range of media.  Our training events for press releases and media interviews are here.  Contact us to find out how we can help you. Whatever your need, we can help.