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Free media skills offer

We are offering a free place to an NGO on our next media skills workshop, taking place in Dublin next Wednesday, January 18.

It’s an intensive, practical — and enjoyable — half-day session that will equip you with basic media skills to publicise your research, business, or event.

You will learn about How To:

  • Identify what makes ‘News’
  • Find out how to hit the headlines
  • Write a successful press release . . . one that isn’t instantly binned!
  • Contact journalists
  • Develop good media relations

The focus is on the central technique of how to write an effective press release. By the end of the session, you will have drafted a press release, and even sketched out your media campaign.  To get the most out of the day, it helps if you have something to publicise, whether an event, or research finding, etc.

FOR: Anyone wanting or needing to deal with the media. Anyone who wants to encourage the media to cover their work.

More details about our media workshops here.

To apply for this special offer, simply send us a short e-mail (max 200 words), and tell us why you had your organisation need this training. Mark your e-mail: Media skills offer.  Closing date: 5 pm Saturday January 14.

The successful participant will be notified first thing on Monday.


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